世 界 剛 柔 流 琉 翔 会


The Ryusyokai.org Network
Official Web Site of the Ryusyokai Okinawa So Honbu

Senaha Sensei's Bio
Historical Photos
Dojo Kun
Founded March 1999
Dojo Directory
Media Gallery

Copyright 2001-2017

Welcome to the official Ryusyokai Goju-Ryu web site. Ryusyokai is a martial art system of traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu karate as well as a group of affiliate dojos. The purpose of Ryusyokai is to share and preserve traditional Ryusyokai Okinawan Goju-Ryu, and to promote loyalty, honor, and respect. Senaha Shigetoshi Sensei is the founder and president of Ryusyokai and he extends his welcome to explore this site and learn more about the association.

Ryusyokai.org is the source for essential materials related to Ryusyokai Okinawan Goju-Ryu and the activities of the So-Honbu dojo. The site is meant to be a resource for those involved in Ryusyokai and a starting point for those who want to learn more. The format and graphic layout are intentionally simple for fast loading and easy access, regardless of your internet connection. As there are many sites on the internet that provide a vast amount of background and historical information about the island of Okinawa, about Karate-do and Goju-Ryu, we do not see this as a priority for the Ryusyokai site. In addition, links are provided to other member karate dojo websites on both the "links" page and "directory" page, so that interested readers can find out more about what is occurring in various countries and Ryusyokai dojos around the world. The primary source of information for upcoming events and discussions about the organization and members is the RyusyokaiGroups discussion board, which can be joined by going to the "links" page and following the link for the Yahoo Groups e-mail list.

Please select one of the links on the left to learn more.


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